Virtual reality exactly how far is it from us

Virtual reality exactly how far is it from us?

AMD Developer Conference, held in November, which demonstrates a device has drawn wide attention, especially games. virtual reality 3d headset

Virtual reality exactly how far is it from us?

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Yes, this is based on the AMD 8 core “Jaguar” core structure of GCN CPU and Radeon GPU PlayStation4 game host. From the hardware point of view, up to 1.84TFLOPS of computing power and memory bandwidth 176GB/s, PlayStation4 called Super Computer without too much. Then through the AMD Radeon R9 290X and a new generation of APU Kaveri to head-mounted display Oculus rendering of the content displayed by a Rift, multi-dimensional space immediately comes to the immediate, with the Radeon R9 290X and a new generation of APU Kaveri TrueAudio technology unique natural environment surrounded by sound in the ear, did it with eye movements, called “3D” new forms of game ready.

  Virtual Reality headsets

Virtual Reality headsets

Virtual in the show, when seen only in science fiction scene in their own eyes, the so-called “next generation entertainment” will also come, let us look forward to it.


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